February 2020 - UNDP in Palestinian Gatherings – Quarterly Brief issue 19
"By end of 2019, UNDP has completed the design and building of the community center – constituting the first phase of this initiative. The design of the space reintroduces long forgotten vernacular building techniques: using building material that is locally procured natural, recycled and unprocessed; using tires and wood for main structures; and relying on clay for plastering and lime for painting. "The design of the Kharayeb center is a statement to rethink the construction industry, by producing low cost, energy neutral, passive and self-sufficient dwelling." - Nizar Haddad, Lead Architect" |
September 2018 - Magazine Le Mensuel: Lifehaus - Un projet pilote qui célèbre la terre
"Il est jeune, il a une chevelure de lion et l’envie de faire les choses comme il l’entend, c’est-à-dire en ligne avec le vivant et le respect de la planète. Nizar Haddad, la trentaine, diplômé de l’ALBA il y a sept ans environ, se positionne par son projet pilote, baptisé Lifehaus – clin d’œil au Bauhaus – comme précurseur au Liban d’un courant d’architecture durable." |
May 2018 - Leroy Merlin: Lifehaus, une maison passive et écologique, dans laquelle vous n’aurez plus à payer de facture !
"Lifehaus : la première maison 100 % autosuffisante et écologique en projet au Liban ! Peut-être demain chez nous ?" |
March 2018 - Future TV Report: Lifehaus - Building a house from trash as an answer to waste crisis in Lebanon
"While others see more landfills as a solution to the waste crisis in Lebanon, we are building a house using recyclables. More details about Lifehaus, Lebanon and the Middle East's first fully sustainable, self-sufficient house, in this Future TV report." |
March 2018 - Step Feed: Lifehaus as a movement, rather than just a house
"Lebanon's ongoing trash calamity has led to the build-up of mountains of rubbish ... which has been problematically solved by the open burning of trash. In addition, the construction of buildings and homes has only added to the waste and further deepened the crisis. However, in an effort to build the Middle East's first sustainable home, a local project [Lifehaus] is solving both issues by using the country's waste efficiently." |
February 2018 - The Daily Star: Sustainable House Finds Alternate Purpose for Tires
"While burning tires have long been a fixture at Lebanese protests, one forward-thinking architect dreams of a society where used and rejected tires are instead repurposed to build homes." |
February 2018 - Sky News Arabia Video: لبناني يبني منزلا متكاملا صديقا للبيئة
في ظل الأزمات البيئة التي يعانيها اللبنانيون، أطلق مهندس شاب مشروع المنزل الأخضر المستدام الصديق للبيئة، الذي يعتمد على تقنيات علمية حديثة، لترشيد استخدام الماء والكهرباء، والحفاظ على البيئة. |
February 2018 - Forbes: 5 Clean Tech Innovations of the Future
"Landfills and dumpsites, infamously known as “garbage mountains,” have mushroomed across Lebanon since the 1990s. The mess peaked in 2014-15 when the capital’s main landfill shut down, after running well beyond its expiry date, and architecture graduate Nizar Haddad found the perfect reason to build his first energy-neutral dwelling in Baskinta. The twist? He’s built it from waste -- tires, cans, bottles." |
January 2018 - Newsroom Nomad: Is there life after trash?
"If the government is not going to give us the water and power we need and isn’t going to protect our environment and health, we’re gonna do it ourselves.” That was the main driving philosophy behind the project." |
January 2018 - Dubai Eye Radio Interview
"The road toward more sustainable buildings begins with the design and the material used. You can't just construct a glass building in the UAE, for example - one that creates a greenhouse effect - and then rely on high energy technology to cool it. This is extremely unsustainable and counterproductive. The design itself must first be the priority in sustainable architecture; high energy technology and our reliance on it should come last." - Lifehaus founder and architect Nizar Haddad, DubaiEye interview, World Future Energy Summit (WFES), Adnec, Abu Dhabi. |
January 2018 - Blog Baladi Video: Lebanon, Year in Review, 17 Positive Stuff that Happened in 2017
It's not always negative stuff when it comes to #Lebanon or Lebanese. Believe it or not, some good things did take place in 2017 like Lifehaus! |
December 2017 - The961: Lebanese Architect Uses Recycled Materials to Build a House!
"This green home will not only protect the environment, but it will also offer a modern and luxurious lifestyle for those who wish to reside in it." |
November 2017 - LiveLoveBeirut: Video shot by @livelove.studio
"Nizar Haddad @nh_architectes is a young Lebanese architect, inventor of the lifehaus. A house made of recycled materials and car wheels, self sufficient, and off the grid. Yes to creativity and entrepreneurship, at the service of social and environmental impact." |
November 2017- Beirut Today: Lifehaus: A New House In Town
"Smog, mass deforestation, and mountains of trash, it’s almost as if humanity is making a genuine effort to destroy the one and only planet we can survive on. Thankfully though, there are some who are taking heed and creating more sustainable communities and minimizing the harm we have been causing." |
July 2017 - Inhabitat: Amazing low-cost, off-grid Lifehaus homes are made from recycled materials
"This amazing home by Lifehaus blends low-cost off-grid appeal with with holistic living and luxurious details. The Lebanon-based company started by Nizar Haddad is pioneering energy-neutral dwellings made from locally-sourced and recycled materials. People living in the green homes will also be able to generate their own electricity, and grow their own food. The dwellings don’t simply offer a sustainable option, but address many societal issues in Lebanon, such as the trash crisis that brought Beirut to its knees last year." |
July 2017 - Blog Baladi: #Lifehaus: The First Self-Sufficient Project in the Middle East Coming to Baskinta
"Lifehaus is the first low cost fully self-sufficient project in the Middle East that is designed to lower the carbon footprint using upcycled, local materials and ancestral techniques. The founder and architect behind LifeHaus is Nizar Haddad who was driven by his interest in green architecture “to develop the LIFEHAUS project which revisits and applies multiple long forgotten ancestral building methods, employing the knowledge of masters to produce the most optimal, ecological, self-sufficient and economical prototype, ever devised.”" |
July 2017 - Mariam TV: Video عالموعد 4 -7-2017 الفقرة 4 |
July 2017 - Greenarea.me: بسكنتا تحتضن أول “بيت أخضر” في لبنان والشرق الأوسط
سينفذ أول نموذج لمنزل ذات اكتفاء ذاتي في بسكنتا (قضاء المتن) The lifehaus project ، وسيكون الأول من نوعه في لبنان والشرق الأوسط، فبحسب مهندس المشروع وصاحب الفكرة المهندس نزار حداد “يمكننا استخدام الموارد من حولنا في بنائه، ويمكن أن تكون هذه الموارد طبيعية المتوفرة في موقع البناء من التربة والصخر والقش والنفايات التي نراها ذهبا ان تم اعادة تدويرها، ويمكننا ايضا توفير الراحة الحرارية من خلال تقنية تخزين الطاقة الموسمية (PAHS)، وتخزين الامطار واعادة استعمالها بالاضافة الى اكتفاء ذاتي نباتا”. |
July 2017 - AlModon: هذا المنزل سيُغنيكم عن خدمات الدولة
ما يميز هذا المنزل، وفق ما يقول فريق عمل المشروع، لـ"المدن"، هو قدرته على تعويض تقصير الدولة اللبنانية في ما يتعلق بتأمين الكهرباء والماء وغيرهما من الخدمات. فبإمكان المنزل تأمين طاقته بنفسه عبر استخدام الطاقة المتجددة كأشعة الشمس والهواء والمياه. ويتميز بقدرته على استغلال المساحات الخضراء لتأمين الغذاء لصاحبه، واستخدام المياه وإعادة تكريرها. |
June 2017 - Raseef 22: مشاريع الطاقات المتجددة التي ستنقذنا من وسام "أكثر الدول تلوثاً في العالم"
INSIDE_RenewableEnergy_Lebanon وصلت الطاقة المتجددة إلى جامعات لبنان عبر مشروع "سيدرو" المتصل بلوحات ضخمة تعتمد على الطاقة الشمسية لتنير حرم جامعة الروح القدس في لبنان. ويتميز لبنان بمشاريع بيئية ممولة ذاتياً، منها "لايف هاوس"، وهو تصميم ريادي لبناني ذو تكلفة منخفضة، يتألف من منازل مكتفية ذاتياً ويهدف إلى خفض البصمة الكربونية. يعد "لايف هاوس" الأول من نوعه في الشرق الأوسط ويضم مجموعة منازل بنيت باستخدام مواد معاد تدويرها، ومواد محلية. وتقوم المنازل بجمع مياه الأمطار وإعادة تدويرها، وتسهل إمكانية التقليل من إنتاج النفايات وتوفيرالطاقة والغذاء بالاعتماد على سياسة الموارد المتجددة أو إعادة التدوير. ولا تستخدم المنازل الوقود الأحفوري من أجل تأمين التدفئة والتبريد، لأنها تنتج الطاقات ذاتياً. |
March 2015 - Arch Vision Online Magazine - Nizar Haddad Architects | Profile
"Nizar Haddad has, thus far, worked exclusively on projects of a predominantly residential nature. Since these constructions were set within a rural area, he focused on their integration into the landscape, and took great care in preserving the wild unblemished appearance of their surroundings, particularly through the conscious use of local and site found materials that include natural stone." |
December 2014 - Agenda Culturel: Mon Village combines eco-friendly and isolation in Kesrouan.
"Mon Village, “my village,” is a project that was conceived by environmentally minded developer Philippe El Khazen and equally green architect Nizar Haddad in an effort to build on a niche market for self-contained eco-housing that retains the spirit of traditional Lebanese architecture." |